Tuesday, 29 March 2011


Now that I have the basic form of my logo, I want to liven up the entire graphic with some colours.

John Berger Quotes “Is boredom anything less than the sense of one's faculties slowly dying?.”

I want to apply a decent amount of colour to my logo and make sure it does appeal to as many consumers as possible and make sure it doesn't give the wrong idea of being boring by only using black and white. I want to apply different colours/colour and make my logo much more interesting and as lively as possible.

To: Those who follow my blogs (Family & Friends), why don't you leave some comments to express your views or why not tell me which colour you prefer as you do meet the target audience requirements.

I will take all feedback into account and tell everyone what I will do in my next post.

Get them ideas coming in!

Monday, 28 March 2011


Now that I have the basic foundations and graphics on how I should start my Logo and what it should be based on I think I should start putting everything together before I get to the evaluating stages of my product.

Placement is a very interesting and important feature as it may affect many other important factors such as:

Perspective- With Representation of Distance

Position of Viewer- It is important to know how the viewer interprets the product, and what different stances/angles affects the viewer in what way.

Along with many other features that may influence compositing an image.

Here is the original logo of the company:

And here is what will be added to the company logo, to show the separation and show the individual industry within the company, so audiences know and recognize the well-established company with the industry.

Here is what I will apply to the logo:


Here is the black background I said I would have to outline and control my logo as it blends with the original logo:

I have trialed and improved many times on placing the original company logo and trying to create a new one, but I had to manipulate the old logo by getting rid of some of the graphics integrated with the company logo (of course asking permission from the original designer before hand). I found it absolutely impossible to keep everything well aligned and well composited to make my logo work, which is why I came up with this:

Here I have used the original font that was used to create the original logo, I halve also enhanced the word Stages to show the more significant graphic and part of the logo which is currently the biggest graphic with the font.
I have also placed the graphics in this way to convey better meaning by literally making readers follow the text and read each graphic after the other as its very eye-catching on how its been placed and the size of the graphics.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Same Concept Through Different Times

In Last Week’s tutorial presented by Will I learnt society and modern culture varies and changes through time and this can be shown through paintings and art, which can also signify and create huge meanings from small details.
This is an important and interesting concept to make a note of as this can really help make a modern and collective logo that may work in future as well as in the present.

For example: The painting Bathsheba by Rembrandt Van Ryn- 1606

This painting shows a naked obese woman who at the time is quite wealthy or even seems significant.
I can tell this because the woman has been painted obese which signifies that she’s quite wealthy because obese women at the time showed they had enough to eat regardless of the hunger/starvation and depression at the time, this unanimously makes her beautiful.
I automatically understood the woman’s status without paying attention to finer detail of what she was wearing, and how she was groomed, just by noticing that she was obese which plays a big part to understanding the subject as well as what the subject is doing.

On the other hand here is a photograph by Vincent Abbey, which shares a similar concept but is very much more modern and shows the opposite style of painting Bathsheba, because this painting is so modern it shows women being more beautiful in the way of being slim and skinny by gaining and having more self control as todays societies share problems of obesity and this photograph shows this young woman carrying the status to interpret “I have self control”. This shows her outlining from the crowd in a different size something hard to gain/obtain.

In the same way I want my logo to have long-term effects and show it fits well in future as well as it does in present which might determine me changing the font or the use of new modern colours.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Choosing The Right Font

I want to keep the original logo very much original, I just want to apply more and do what I can to enhance it through the means of color and visual attitude and the influences it achieves.

By doing this I need to make the industry I’m trying to promote very clear and show the same company brings it. But before adding the original logo I need to come up with a new and unique concept to outline the industry and then mix it up with the companies aesthetics.

So I will spend a lengthy amount of time and start choosing the perfect font that will show the attitude and personality of my new industry logo. (Hopefully something that may contrast with the company logo):


(Current Company Logo)

Some… Time… Later…

Here are a few fonts I have chosen out of a large amount that was narrowed down to the last five then last three and etc. These are the few that I believe are capable of representing the industry for my new logo:


In Ways Of Seeing by John Berger, he quotes Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak.”

Here I can relate on how John Berger explains and relates to the scientific theory that light travels before sound in other words you examine and watch before you can describe in words and say how you feel about a piece or art.

TASK 1: Spend three minutes looking at this font and carefully consider its features


TASK 2: Think of five positive words to describe this font

Here I have chosen the font Special Type because I feel and believe it can strike audiences well when they first take a look at it.

When I first took a long glance at this font I thought it was very striking, something unique, active, and even elegant.

Also this font doesn’t hold any restrictions and is free to use for either personal or corporate use.

Monday, 7 March 2011


Composition is an important aspect in a picture, it is important to consider how the viewer interprets an image and in what way it affects the viewer.
Different compositions in an image can convey different meanings, and may communicate to the viewer in a very interesting way to include the viewer somehow.

Here is a picture very similar to “The folded chess set” by Sandro Del-Prete in 1975:

It shows a kind of illusion that may make the viewer confused in knowing from what perspective to look at the picture, as the picture has been manipulated to make dimensions different almost like lying to the viewer.

That’s the whole point of composition: Creating a 3D effect into a 2D shape effect.

Pablo Picasso quotes “Art is a lie that tells you the truth” This can be done through manipulating images and making different compositions.

For my logo I wont be creating any adverse effects or manipulate the composition of my logo as I want it to be as clear as possible for people to see and have it as less confusing as possible and try my best to show it as I want it to look more or a graphic image than an illusion. 

REFERENCE: Visual Communications Lecture- 1/03/11