Now that I have the basic foundations and graphics on how I should start my Logo and what it should be based on I think I should start putting everything together before I get to the evaluating stages of my product.
Placement is a very interesting and important feature as it may affect many other important factors such as:
Perspective- With Representation of Distance
Position of Viewer- It is important to know how the viewer interprets the product, and what different stances/angles affects the viewer in what way.
Along with many other features that may influence compositing an image.
Here is the original logo of the company:
And here is what will be added to the company logo, to show the separation and show the individual industry within the company, so audiences know and recognize the well-established company with the industry.
Here is what I will apply to the logo:
Here is the black background I said I would have to outline and control my logo as it blends with the original logo:

I have trialed and improved many times on placing the original company logo and trying to create a new one, but I had to manipulate the old logo by getting rid of some of the graphics integrated with the company logo (of course asking permission from the original designer before hand). I found it absolutely impossible to keep everything well aligned and well composited to make my logo work, which is why I came up with this:
Here I have used the original font that was used to create the original logo, I halve also enhanced the word Stages to show the more significant graphic and part of the logo which is currently the biggest graphic with the font.
I have also placed the graphics in this way to convey better meaning by literally making readers follow the text and read each graphic after the other as its very eye-catching on how its been placed and the size of the graphics.
No, this doesn't work. You need to think about your brand structure; corporate, endorsed or stand alone. From your logo I would say you are aiming at an endorsed structure - your brand is endorsed by, it is part of Yasmine Fashions (a bit like Skoda is a part of Volkswagen). Either Stages needs to be the same typeface as Yasmine Fashions so that your identity is completely identified with the parent company, or you need something different that still communicates the same values as the parent, still says class and tradition, but also sets you slightly apart - a classical serif based on a Roman typeface like Bodini but with a contemporary twist. The typeface you have chosen is messy, cluttered and all over the place and those negative values will transfer to both your company and Yasmine Fashions. Don't do it.