Monday 11 April 2011

Insight to Piet Modrian's Work

Similarly to Malevich's art this new 20th century piece relates to Malevich's Black Box and how it composites and shares the feeling of having pure abstraction.
Even though this was made some time after Malevich's black box, it shares the same harsh reality. 

I remember this piece from my first Visual Literacy lecture and within the module we were told to try and guess the significance of this picture and how it might be defined as. 
I primarily see this as a painting with unique composition, and see how it places itself to create a meaning through my mind in knowing what each line represents and what each colour signifies and how the painting itself prioritises. I see this picture through a diverse spiritual dimension.

1 comment:

  1. You need to look at the theories behind the De Stjil movement's approach to the plastic arts. Read... Stangos.N; Concepts of Modern Art (3rd edition); Thames & Hudson
